Making Miniatures: Pinterest Boards

Making Miniatures: Pinterest Boards

While teaching our workshops in miniature gardening in Singapore, we were told many times that there are no sources for miniature accessories locally. I went out searching for miniatures in Singapore’s markets and stores and it is true: there are no miniature shops and only few scale minis available. I will show in a later blog what I found. So for our new Singapore friends, and for anyone who needs miniatures and can’t find what they want or can’t afford what they need, I found this resource: a fabulous Pinterest page with hundreds of tutorials for making miniatures. Instead of just linking to a few of them, here is the entire Pinterest board and link:

Check out these mini tutorials on Pinterest.
Check out these mini tutorials on Pinterest.

This is not the only board with tutorials. Do a search on Pinterest for “miniature tutorials” and you will find quite a few boards that share free info. For example, here are two more:

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