Thanks for a great class

Thanks for a great class

Thanks again for a wonderful class. I loved experimenting with our field trips and blog as a way to experience the fairs and to share information. And now, happy opening of the Milan Expo. Like most of the VictorIan-era fairs, it opens during a time of financial crises and corruption. Nice to see the World’s Fair traditions are being upheld! According to the New York Times,

“But the event has already faced a corruption investigation that saw several top officials in the organising body arrested, cost overruns, and construction hold-ups that will mean large parts of the 110-hectare site will not be ready for opening day.”

One thought on “Thanks for a great class

  1. Thank you as well for a great class! I had a lot of fun and really learned the extreme importance and significance of something that I really knew nothing about.


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