Philadelphia Miniaturia 2012 Report

Philadelphia Miniaturia 2012 Report

The Philadelphia Miniaturia show was different this year. Coming right after the destruction of Superstorm Sandy, some of the vendors were not able to make it and the crowd on Saturday seemed a bit thinner than last year. But it was still a great show with lots of interesting things. Our own Ron Smith organized the special exhibit which presented many high-quality miniature settings of all scales. And our own Deb Mackie (White Horse Studio), was there with her wonderful sculpted figures.

Ron Smith at Philadelphia Miniaturia
I always enjoy looking at the accessories in the extensive display of  accessories at Wright Guide Miniatures.
I always enjoy looking at the accessories in the extensive display of accessories at Wright Guide Miniatures.

For those who have never gone to a miniature show, it is the best way to see what other people are doing. And a great way to pick up some miniatures that you can’t make yourself.

There were some very interesting vendors I had not seen before, including a few from Europe that were outstanding. Jim Watt from England showed the most spectacular replicas of historic objects and I hope to own one of his masterpieces someday. I spent so much time talking to him (and so did Ron Hoess) that I never got around to taking any pictures of his work.

I purchased two things this year that I thought were worth mentioning because the craftmanship for each was outstanding. The first was a woven rug by Bonni Backe ( at Weevings). Her rugs are beautiful but unfortunately the one I bought is too big for my setting this year.


Bonni Backe

Barbara Sabia makes wonderful miniature stained glass and I was able to get this one to use in my setting this year.

Stained glass window

Barbara Sabia miniatures

I talked to Arthur Werner about a purchase I made from him last year, a spectacular cribbage board. His work is available at Swan House Miniatures.


Other works that I found beautiful were at Diminutive Delicacies by Mary (cakes and pastries) and cut crystal at Jim Irish Crystalina (also at Swan House Miniatures).

