Lost and Found

Lost and Found

My new miniature photo series uses found objects in public places combined with miniature figures. To prove that I do not set these up, I share these two images. It really is challenging and fun to have to use objects you come across. Finding these sunglasses set up on the beach was perfect for my series using this seated woman with sunglasses.

Mini-Photo Series

Mini-Photo Series

I have always been a fan of miniature photography: photographing scenes with tiny figures or objects in them. Some of my oldest work in miniatures is done with miniature photography. Some people do tilt-shift photography which adds a blur to the foreground and background to isolate the miniature scene. And, of course, there are the wonderful artists who photograph little people in scenes with everyday objects and food.

I have started a new series using really junky miniature people rather than the high quality ones used by most artists. They have bad physical features and terrible painting but somehow they suggest to me the current political and social conditions. I have placed them in oddball settings here at home and during several trips, including ones to New York, Mexico, and London. Here are some of the hundreds I have done (not necessarily the best or even the most interesting ones, but a sampling).