BANNED from the Philadelphia Flower Show

BANNED from the Philadelphia Flower Show

BANNED from the Flower Show?

Yes, it sounds like a funny title for a bad sitcom but I have, indeed, earned a lifetime ban from ever exhibiting in the Philadelphia Flower Show. If you are interested in the story you can go to this separate page.

But if you are here for the wonder of miniatures, the way to make and appreciate miniatures in all their forms, don’t bother reading that unpleasant story. Instead, enjoy the pictures and stories that make up this blog dedicated not only to five years of Miniature Settings exhibits at past Flower Shows, but highlighting the work of contemporary miniature artists and activities.

And I will be documenting the exhibit I was going to create for the 2020 Flower Show before I got booted out. It will be ancient Pompeii, right before Mt Vesuvius explodes. Appropriate, I think.

My entry in the 2020 Flower Show Miniature Settings would have been ancient Pompeii just as Mt. Vesuvius was erupting.