

My miniature Si rose has bloomed and it is exquisite! Now I pray to the miniature plant goddess that it stays alive until February, 2013.

This tiny rose has bloomed just a few days after I feared it never would! It is breathtaking. For scale, that is my hand right behind it.
Broken promises and a new project

Broken promises and a new project

I promised myself that I would not start next year’s miniature garden until I cleaned up my workspace and greenhouse and outdoor garden and office…and I swore I would not buy any miniatures plants until next year. But I had a nice interview with a reporter who was doing a story on miniature gardening and it for me thinking. What is the one plant I would love to have, in miniature, that would be amazing in my display next year? It is a miniature rose and I have heard about them but never seen one. Well. I found them at Rogue Valley Roses. They are called “Si” and I ordered two. They don’t look like much now:

Si micro-miniature rose

But look at those old buds on the side and see how small the blooms are:

Micro-miniature rose hips

If these bloom, it will be worth breaking a promise for them!