A new landscape

A new landscape

I had to take down a tree in our yard. The tree, an oak, was about 70 years old judging by its rings but it was in bad shape so down it came (with much effort by the tree climbers. The tree cutters, perhaps inadvertently in their efforts to clean up the space under the dead tree, scoured the land and left a corner of our yard absolutely bare. Now, I see this as an opportunity…to put in a miniature landscape. So after I add the organic garden soil that will make for better planting, I will add the small scale trees I found at Home Depot today as a start. I don’t have a theme yet but that will come as I work in the space. I am also reading Janit Calvo’s new Miniature Gardening book which came from Amazon this week.

Tree rings date the tree to about 60-70 years old.
Nice sloping ground all around the stump.
Enough space to make an entire scene.
Ron and Katy suggested an arch or entrance to make the  place more magical.
Ron and Katy suggested an arch or entrance to make the place more magical.
Needs soil amending.
Needs soil amending.
Small scale plants to begin the scene.
Small scale plants to begin the scene.