Dream Room: The Cupboard Under the Stairs, part 2

Dream Room: The Cupboard Under the Stairs, part 2

This is the second part (see part 1 here) of my documentation of the roombox that I will be exhibiting at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC in an exhibit called  Small Stories: At Home in a Dollhouse. The main exhibit features vintage dollhouses from the Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood. They have commissioned artists to build room boxes that will be shown in a complementary exhibit called Dream Rooms. The theme of my room box is Harry Potter’s cupboard under the stair where the boy wizard lived for 10 years of his life before he was invited to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

My room is nearly done and is missing only one accessory that will be on the shelf in Harry’s cupboard.

Roombox overview
Roombox overview
Overview with details in place
Overview with details in place
Dursley family photos by front door
Dursley family photos by front door
Letters from Hogwarts
table with letters
Letters are climbing up the leg of the table. The picture is of Majorca which is where the Dursleys want to buy a vacation home.
Harry cramped space is also used as a storage space for old tools. Water pipes and a gas meter crowd the space which also has spiders.
Harry’s clothes are Dudley’s hand-me-downs.

3 thoughts on “Dream Room: The Cupboard Under the Stairs, part 2

  1. This is so interesting — I like reading about your process. For example, it is so interesting to hear about how you made your wallpaper. I am fixated on those letters coming through the door. They must be tiny, tiny! Congrats on the show in Washington! It sounds wonderful….


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